Monday, November 30, 2009

WUCC bids

For the world ultimate club championships, next summer in Prague. The number of bids for each nation shows that 141 bids have been offered in total across all divisions. The total number of bids per division looks quite odd from a scheduling point of view (53 open, 29 women, 41 mixed and 18 masters). The invitation document said that the "tournament can only host approximately 120 Teams". 

It seems pretty clear that WFDF is relying on not every offered bid being accepted. The wait list bids therefore (to be announced January 10th) are unlikely to be very numerous. 

Presumably, easily scheduled numbers would be preferable, numbers divisible by 4 tend to work well. So I'm guessing maybe 44 open teams, 24 womens teams, 36 mixed teams and 16 masters teams. That would add up to 120.  Although perhaps 'approximately' 120 could mean a few more could squeeze in. 

I'm guessing the smaller divisions - like Masters and Womens won't have too many unaccepted bids - since the offered bids are in the main to very established ultimate nations. Whereas open and mixed might have a few more unaccepted ones because these are the divisions where the smaller, less established and even provisional WFDF member nations were offered bids. 

Whichever division you play in, if you're hoping for a wait list bid, don't set your expectations too high!


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