Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The great eurodisc spirit debate

So, the never ending eurodisc spirit debate has kicked off once more.

For those unfamiliar with it, eurodisc is the European ultimate email list. As email lists go, it's really quite good. There's no spam. Just useful information about ultimate tournaments, and ultimate related news. Until, every few months someone says 'spirit' and then it all kicks off.
Spirit is good. Referees are bad
But we are all referees, so referees can't be bad.
Logical fallacy foul! Observers are not referees. Except when playing at the slippery slope tournament.
Why don't you go play MLU and bodycheck everyone. You're not as spirited as me.
 I'll bodycheck your mom. You can be the observer.
There is a chance I may have exaggerated certain elements of the great eurodisc spirit debate (there are generally no references to anyone's mom and the individual posts are usually much longer). But you get the idea.

My main problem with this debate is about the thread system of my email program. Its a fantastic system that means all the emails of a conversation are grouped together. The problem I'm having is that the eurodisc spirit debate seems to often find itself on more than one thread. Sometimes this is because people change the subject line of the email...perhaps sometimes it happens if someone replies to a digest email...but it has happened once or twice without any of that (just yesterday for instance). Can anyone suggest why? It takes much longer to delete than it would otherwise.

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