Sunday, December 5, 2010

How different people look at the field differently

How many open cutters do you generally see when you have the disc? I imagine the answer is one. After you see one, you stop looking for more. If there are two open cutters, I'd usually only see one of them. At least until I either throw to that option, or decide it's no longer open and look for another option.

I think we've all been in the situation, where as an open cutter, we consider ourselves to be the best option. But frustratingly, the thrower only sees some other cutter. When the other option results in a turnover, that's annoying.

Which of two different options is a thrower more likely to see? 
The one they see first is the one that's in the place where they look first. If a player really likes to huck it deep, they probably look there first. If there is a good hucking opportunity, they won't see an open cutter underneath.

Similarly, other players have their own first-look preferences. Plenty instinctively look first for a flow cut down the line. Looking at the person who threw it to you first can be a good move.

I'm still thinking about 2 questions
1- is it easy to change where you look first? Or are habits formed over many years of playing too ingrained to change?

2 - is it preferable to have a whole team looking for the same first option? Or is it preferable to have variety based on the different skill sets of players?

Anyway, look out for this. It's useful to see the patterns of where you, you're team-mates and your opponents are looking.

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