Friday, March 5, 2010

update on offence versus open side poach.

This is an update of a previous article "offence against a poach from an open side dump"

In that piece I listed the 4 possible approaches that I had thought of for dealing with the poached open-side handler situation.

(they were: ignoring the poach, using the poached player to move it to the breakside, using the poached player to throw an unmarked huck, and running a give 'n' go with the poached player).

Here's another one (Ben Wiggins mentioned it in the 3-4 offence part of his coaching clinic before the Siege of Limerick Tournament). He was describing an option for dealing with the defenders of the handlers without the disc in a 3-4 offence (specifically when the disc is in the centre of the field) - the other 2 handler defenders are probably looking to get in the way or get a poach block. (so on the open side - it would be relevant to what I was discussing before).

The idea was to have the handler clear out, upfield, just to make space for the offence. Achieved by a cut right in front of the thrower, coming infield from where they started. If their defender doesn't get close with them, the thrower can give this handler a short pass to gain just a few metres, keeping the disc central and creating a better hucking opportunity with the forward momentum. If that pass isn't on, the defender has gone with them and the open side of the field then becomes much easier to work with.

Seems like a good idea to me.

This one is fairly specific to 3-4 I think. Whereas the likes of using the handler to move it breakside seems to me to be better for a vertical stack scenario.

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